Monday, October 31, 2011

Kim Kardashian getting a divorce

So Kim Kardashian is apparently filing for divorce from Kris Humphries after about 72 days of marriage. 

There are so many jokes that I could insert here, but I won't. You see it's pretty sad when the institution of marriage is treated like a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend. I don't know all the details about Kim's marriage, but it seems to me like the two weren't taking it seriously.

Marriage is an institution between a man and his wife that's suppose to form a bond that lasts forever. It's not something that's put away with convenience - just because there is an argument.

You have to work through these things. It takes time and it takes a lot of effort and energy. So often when we get married we don't look at the work it will take to achieve or maintain such a union. I can tell you that I didn't. I thought I knew everything but in the first year of marriage, I made every mistake a rookie husband could make.

Kim, the man has barely had a chance to make mistake yet. Don't go through with this. Work things out.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cain’s recent surge just won’t be enough

Anyone surprised at Herman Cain’s recent surge in the Republican presidential primary contest, really shouldn’t be. I don't think he's going to be able to take it all the way however. But Cain's appeal comes from the fact that he represents every conservative’s fantasy – he’s able to speak what’s really on his mind, without fear of being labeled as a racist or politically incorrect individual. He's like that stern grandfather that you grew up with, that said whatever he felt like saying and had little tolerance for whatever he perceived to be foolishness.

Just take a look at what Cain says about the Occupy Wall Street movement if you don't believe me. 

Would his opponent Mit Romney take such daring and bold chances and make these same comments? I think not. 

But despite this “recent surge” of support, Cain just isn’t going to make it to the big dance. A lack of experience in political office, coupled with an upcoming strategy overhaul from Mit Romney, is going to keep Cain from grabbing the brass ring and securing the Republican nomination.

Yes, Cain, who use to be CEO of God Father’s Pizza and a radio host at WSB 750 AM in Atlanta, is coming with common sense principles that appeal to staunch conservatives. And yes, he’s probably going to dominate in the markets where conservative talk show Neal Boortz broadcasts in (Cain use to sub in for good ole "Uncle Neal” as he called him.).

But sadly for Cain, that isn’t going to be enough. My ultimate prediction is that Cain dominates the south, but quickly loses steam afterwards.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy [city inserted here]

People are angry and upset. With  the U.S. having an unemployment rate of 9.1%, there is more than enough reason for people to bring out the pitch forks and torches, lashing out at the powers that be.

The latest movement, however, is baffling. Occupy Wall Street, has throngs of people protesting the economic climate in this country as well as the Big Banks. It's very telling that people from across the country are openly protesting in this manner.

But what difference are they making in a game where the stakes are too high to fail?  Some segments of the media have all but dismissed this as a hippie like movement, filled with dissidents that don't have a strategic game plan in order.

These "liberal" flower children are much different from the conservative Tea Party movement that actually became mobilized and put their people in office.

That's what the critics are saying. This is what I'm saying. Jobs are drying up; unemployment is running out; and now the average worker isn't fighting for a raise; they're fighting to keep their jobs. We need change. Things need to get better.