Thursday, December 29, 2011

Are men really lazy in relationships?

Men are lazy.
That seems to be the crux of the argument that the opposite sex has against many men these days. But is it an entirely fair assumption?
My answer is going to be no. It isn’t. See the problem is that we are in an age where women are more independent now and they are often achieving more than many of their male counterparts.
The problem is, women who are in this position still hold fast to, or at least subscribe to the notion that their significant other should be able to obtain just as much, if not more than she has.
In other words, these men are being judged by standards far higher than what they have personally achieved. The chance to organically grow into these goals as a couple has been tremendously diminished because women are doing more with their opportunities to achieve success. Men for whatever reason are falling behind.
Here is the sad reality, men are often in a position of playing catch up, and that’s hurting relationships.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cain suspends Presidential Campaign

Amid supporters at his newly opened headquarters in Metro Atlanta, presidential candidate Herman Cain announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign.

Cain with his wife behind him said he wasn't the typical candidate - citing he never held public office, nor did he have a high profile name. He noted that with the success of his campaign he was in the Final Four to become President.

"I'm proof that a common man can lead this nation," he said.

Cain, who's campaign has taken a sharp hit due to sexual harassment allegations denounced all allegations and said that he was at peace with his God; and with his family about his decision.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Is it over for Herman Cain?

Herman Cain is doing an admirable thing by talking to his wife before he decides to make a decision on whether to continue with his presidential campaign.

But I have to ask myself, just a mere 24 hours away from his announcement - is this it for the Cain Train.

Cain has come out publicly and said the negative publicity has hindered some fund raising efforts, but it doesn't seem to have completely derailed the Cain Train.

Look, I won't go over the allegations - they have been well documented in the press, what I will say is this. Cain seems to have spent the majority of his time fighting these allegations than actually tackling the issues and his campaign.

Is it even worth it at this point? Is he completely distracted from doing what it takes to secure the Republican nomination? Is it over for Cain?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Strong marriage is reward for keeping God 1st.

Marriage is a special sacred bond between a husband and wife that cannot be easily broken.

That's what we tell ourselves often, but the fact of the matter is that there is an alarming divorce rate in this country and some people are just fed up with their spouse's actions.

I'm not going to sit up here and say that I have all this worked out, because the truth of the matter is I don't. I have been married for five years and it has been quite a challenge.

We have dealt with the death of loved ones, including our child, and have found out that two becoming one is a lot easier said than done.

Marriage is indeed difficult, as I have stated on this blog many times before. You have to ask yourself sometimes is this what God is telling me to do, and how can I add value to this other person and honor God.

I have said this time and time again, and I will stand by it until the day that I die. A marriage that doesn't have God at the center of it, will flounder. You have to have the love of Christ in your heart to be married.

How else are you going to be able to forgive your spouse once they do something wrong? How else are you going to cement the cracks that could form past disappointments?

Keep God first and a strong marriage will be your great reward.