Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is this even a story?

Here in metro Atlanta, the major newspaper is the Atlanta Journal Constitution or the AJC. Recently the esteemed publication has been covering the entire Bishop Eddie Long settlement suit. Nothing out of the ordinary about that.

But what is kind of strange is the fact that the newspaper is taking time now to report on actual sermons - and quote them. Take this story for instance that appeared in the Wednesday online edition of the AJC. The article, which can be seen by clicking on this link, actually quoting a posted youtube video of Creflo Dollar, from World Changers, allegedly offering support to Bishop Long.

Now this is baffling. Because I have never seen a time when excerpts from a minister's sermon have been held and reported on with such scrutiny. It should be important to note that the article never says that Minister Dollar never calls Bishop Long by name.

Ok, here's my take on this. This to me is a non story. It's a story written so former daily newspaper reporters like me can have fodder to write about on their blogs. That's what this is.

I don't think I would publish a story like this or be a part of it. To me it has no news value. I question its relevance. Even if Minister Dollar come out and mentioned Bishop Long by name - I probably still would not have done it.

Simply put, I question the manner in which this was written. You're quoting from a YouTube video of the actual sermon. (The article points out that the YouTube video has since been taken down).

I realize that Bishop Long is a hot topic. I understand that he draws interest. But at some point I wish the local media would be a bit more reluctant to follow up on these weak leads.

I guess the only good thing to come from this, is that more and more reporters are being exposed to God's word now.