Here's one thing that I just don't understand. Why can't single people be more honest about who they're seeing - why can't they just be upfront about it?
I say this, because of the insight that I've gained as a married man. All too often, I see many people who are single try to act like they're married, when their really is no need too.
Faithfulness in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is only for that other person's piece of mind, and is not solidified by any bond. With the exception of common law, and you have to be together for 7 years for that to happen - you aren't really entitled to anything if you two breakup.
But that's not my point. My point is that their are many of my single male friends who are "playas" and feel the need to lie to women that they aren't seeing anyone else.
Here's a novel idea - why not tell the women up front - and then there won't be anything to hide. You don't have any obligation to them. The same goes for women!!! It is incredible the lengths that some single people will go to, when a dose of honesty would end the need for lies and deception.
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