Saturday, January 17, 2015

I really miss my son

My 3-year-old daughter came up to me today and was holding a picture of my son Aaron. For those who are new to the blog, my son was born prematurely in 2010 and passed away shortly after.

So my daughter  - and I apologize if this sounds like rambling but I need to get this out, and writing is the best outlet - held up the picture and asked why was Aaron in the hospital.  You know kids are inquisitive at her age. She then asked me where Aaron was now, and because I am a believer in Christ, I said that he was with the Lord in heaven. She then said that's so far away in the sky and how she wanted to see him so badly.

I told her one day, and she walked away and went off to enjoy her day. But the pain of losing him sliced through me like a hot knife through butter. People tell you, that you're going to be alright, that life goes on - essentially to get over it.

But, it's hard. The hardest thing I ever had to do was say goodbye to my son. I loved him so much. I was there when he took his first breath, and there when he took his last.

Aaron, I miss you so much/

I wish you were here/

Your time spent here was so short/

But I'll cherish every moment of it/

From the time I changed your diaper/

To the time you got your first shot and squeezed my finger/

To the time your mother first breastfed you/

I remember you and I will never forget/

And I know you're looking down and you see/

You can see your sister and your brother/

And God how I wish you were down here with them/

Getting into trouble and doing what kids your age do/

Lord I shed so many tears and I just really fear/

That Aaron thinks I forgot about him/

But please tell him, God I carry him in my heart/

And one day we'll see eachother again/

But until then, i haven't forgotten about you/

I really miss my son


Anonymous said...

Awesome of you to share!