Saturday, February 20, 2016

Couple, unborn child killed over weave

Recently, a man, his girlfriend and their unborn child were murdered by an 18-year-old woman over hair weave. The two victims were owners of a business called You can catch more details on the story by clicking this link.

This isn't the first time The O.A.W. Report has offered comments on a crime regarding hair weave and it probably won't be the last. Two years ago, The O.A.W. Report reported on the killing of a Ga woman during a weave sell gone wrong in  Conyers, Ga.

Yup, that was a little more than two years ago. And look at where we are now. The weave thefts and murders are still happening. The major problem is that the media and some people aren't taking these crimes seriously. Weave thefts are summed up by reporters as, "You'll never guess what they're stealing now." Murders over weave are met with astonishment and disbelief. Some say its such a petty thing to kill over.

But what people fail to realize is that these items of beauty (if you want to call them that) are expensive. People can charge premium price for the right kind of weave. And unfortunately a lot of the people who sell hair are caught off guard and are easy targets. Much like the brazen robbers that would still the copper off of the roofs of churches, we now have predators capitalizing off the fact that they can steal and sell weave.

It is a serious problem and my heart goes out to the family of the Memphis couple that were senselessly gunned down. It's a bit disheartening that we don't see any lawmakers taking this seriously and that they aren't introducing some type of bill to perhaps curb the occurrence of some of these crimes.

Unfortunately if a  lawmaker did introduce a bill it would probably be mocked with a cutesy headline. Make no mistake folks, this is a serious crime and people will literally kill over weave.