It was a hard day at work, and an even harder one at home.
My palms were sweaty and my 4-month-old daughter wouldn't stop crying. My wife and I were in an argument over something so silly that I can't remember what it was about.
It was during that time I realized that I was stuck in the Grind.
The Grind, as defined as by The O.A.W. Report, is when you finally slow down in life, only to speed up, if that makes any sense.
It's a time when work becomes more hectic, the demands of the family grow, and personal time is virtually nonexistent. The only time there is peace, is when there is sleep, and to be honest often times or not, there isn't too much of that to be had.
The Grind is every bachelor's fear and every husband's eventual reality. You become thought of more for what you can do as opposed to being loved for who you are.
The sense of adventure seems to be gone as well. That adrenaline rush you get from a day out with the crew, is replaced by the rush that's produced to get you through the wide assortment of chores and tasks that you have to complete by the end of the day.
Your lunch break becomes a mad dash to do all the extra behind the scenes things at home that you won't be able to do once you get off.
In a sense it's like you're on a constant deadline and failure to accomplish a task in the allotted time equals an absence of peace in the valley.
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