Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to get him out of the Strip Club

I was asked the question why men love strip clubs so much. As I was formulating my answer, I thought that it might be best to help women, who are desperately trying to get their men out of the club, understand how it could be possible to attain this goal.

First let's answer why the strip clubs snare men. Women, you need to understand that strip clubs are one of the ultimate forms of escapism for men. It plays upon the fact that men visual creatures and it stimulates us with fantasy perhaps becoming reality.

It tugs on men's strings just like a romance novel would tug on yours.

So, does this mean that you need to learn poll dancing, slim down and wear skimpy clothes to keep us at home? No. That's a farce. You're never going to be able to provide the fantasy that men can get from these places. You're only going to encourage us to go to those places more.

What you can do is this. Stop giving us a place to escape from. Turn the man's reality into a fantasy. Nowadays as men we are bogged down with being providers for our family. That leads to us making the heavy decision makers. We are tasked with always trying to make the right decisions for the family. If we fail then the results could be disastrous.  Imagine being shouldered with all that pressure on a daily basis. At some point there is going to be a breaking point.

But if we are supported and nurtured in our decision making, and we get support from our families instead of scorn - then this will deter many of us from needing that escape that the strip clubs provide.