To the women who are reading this, please pay close attention. There are three crucial things that men want from a relationship, that women often miss and overlook. When a man doesn't get these three things for a significant period of time, then trouble can set into the relationship.
So what are these three things. They are piece, peace, and a piece. The three piece rule as I call it might seem overly simplistic, but it can really save and help a relationship thrive if women were to follow these basic rules.
The first piece, quite simply put, refers to sex. Yes this is a crude way of saying it, but it is significant nonetheless. A man wants to have sex on a regular basis, because we look at it as a release from the pressures of the world and a chance to obtain physical elation with our female mate. It's a need for us, just as it is a need for women to connect emotionally with their men.
The second peace, refers to peace in the home. But that's rather a broad term isn't it. Peace in the home. What I mean by this is, the next time a man sees his woman he doesn't want any conflict or stress. Whether he's just getting off from work, or waking up next to his woman in the morning, a man doesn't want to be at odds with his woman.
Point blank. Imagine coming home from a long days work, and everything was fine before you left. The last thing you want when you get home is some type of emotional turmoil that disrupts the home - the safe haven that was built to escape from the pressures of the outside world. You don't want that and you can sure bet that the man you're with doesn't want that either.
The final piece is more abstract. It plays off the conflict that some women have with men carrying guns in the home.The piece in this case, is a man's hobby. When women block or hinder men from having a healthy hobby that they enjoy, it creates a roadblock. The man can't be himself, and he is in conflict.
You would not believe the difference it would make in the relationship if a women would just allow men to peacefully follow their interests. Let him have his toys, as long as they are healthy respectable things that don't damage or harm the household or family.
If your man loves collecting action figures, don't tell him to grow up and stop collecting them. Ask him about them, heck even get involved if you can.
When the 3-Piece rule is honored, then it creates a healthier, happier relationship for all involved.
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