Nearly a week has passed since President Obama and Mitt Romney went head to head in their first debate. Well, depending on who you asked
Many on the left have sharply criticized President Obama for not bringing up Mitt Romney's comments about the 47%. Many wanted Obama to go in for the kill on this, and when he didn't - and Romney seemed to have a leg up, well that didn't sit right with a lot of people.
After sending out e-mails and texts to friends about Obama - specifically calling his performance a failure, many rallied against my assertion, to the point where I thought it might revert to fisticuffs. Well, not really, but at least some deeply heated words.
But what I find so interesting here, what I find so compelling, is that those who defend Obama - the friends that I have talked to about this - don't necessarily defend his record, but his character as being the first black man in office.
People, we have got to get past race, especially when it comes down to presidential elections. We need to look at the candidate's record and what he or she stands for. You would not believe some of the comments I received. One went so far as to hurl a barrage of vulgar insults on Romney, saying he disrespected Obama.
This kind of thinking can't continue and it's not good for this country. I happen to like Obama, and think that he has done some tremendous things with the situation he's been handed. To me Romney is out of touch with many Americans. His ideas on who is middle class or not really trouble me.
I simply don't think that working/poor Americans like me are going to benefit that much financially and economically under Romney. That's just my opinion and I can state it without disrespecting the man or resulting to juvenile tactics.
Here's the debate again if you missed it.
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