Thursday, July 21, 2011

America's Gut Check

A few weeks ago, one of my family members shared a story with me about a woman who was receiving Medicaid, and went to get service in a hospital in my hometown. Because of cutbacks and policy changes, the woman had to pay a two dollar copay, when the service use to be totally free for her.

According to my family member, this did not sit well with the young woman and she went berserk in the hospital, to the point where Security had to escort her out. All over - yup - two bucks.

Well I got news for ya, it's about to get worse for all these so-called entitlement programs - Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare -you name it. The government will soon be unable to write those checks if they don't raise that debt ceiling.

But even if they do, is that enough? In my eyes - no. It's not. America needs a gut check.

See America's financial freedom won't be won through political posturing or haughty threats of budget cuts. Instead it will be won through the country acting fiscally responsible.

For too long this nation has borrowed its way into severe debt - and politicians have sold the people of the nation a bill of false goods. We have entitlement programs that we as a nation just can't afford. We've created a culture and a mentality where people can get almost anything they want with the swipe of a piece of plastic.

You want a 50 some inch television for your one bedroom apartment that's about 700 square feet - guess what you can get it. You want that brand new luxury car you can't afford - guess what, you've been approved for the loan. You can drive it. It's yours.

That is until you default on the payments and everyone is left high and dry wanting their money.

But I digress... America really needs to do some simple yet complex things to start its road to economic recovery.

  • First, eliminate the Bush tax cuts. Get some more revenue coming in that can come into the nation's coffers
  • Second, reduce the amount of benefits people are getting who are on food stamps and are getting governmental assistance. The goal of these programs isn't to support a way of life, but to give help so users can obtain a better life.

  • Third, the government has to do something about attracting and keeping more firms and businesses in the nation's borders. The country needs to have more people paying into the system so that the revenue stream can increase.

  • Finally, There should be a 10 percent reduction on all government spending, across the board. The government has to lead by example if they want to really turn this country around. This includes cutting Congressman's salaries too.

Now after having read all these suggestions, you know why I'll never make it into office. No politician in their right mind would get behind these ideas. it would be political suicide, no matter what political affiliation you represent.