A couple of days ago at the bus station, I saw a young couple possibly in their 20s having an argument. Or rather, I saw a young woman arguing while her boyfriend or husband looked off into the distance.
I could not get the total gist of the argument, but it seemed to revolve around the fact that this young man wasn't able to provide a suitable quality of life that was to the young woman's liking.
For the better part of five minutes I listened in on this one sided argument. Three feelings immediately washed over me.
Shock. Disgust. Anger.
I was angry with the young woman more than anything. Do you all want to know why? Do you really want to know the single solitary reason that this bothers me? It's because all too often I have seen good strong men, who are doing the right thing, get totally shot down by their spouses or mates.
We often hear that we aren't good enough, or we fail to measure up to some invisible standard that always changes - even once we meet it.
What ever happened to women being satisfied with what their mate is able to provide for them? Whatever happened to women showing respect to men and their accomplishments as opposed to belittling them for their failures.
I realize this picture isn't indicative of all women. My wife is a good woman who has given me nothing more than the uttermost respect throughout our marriage. No, who I'm referring to are those women, who constantly brow beat their husbands and mates, who don't appreciate what they truly have.
These are the same women, who seem to think that a man is nothing more than an ATM - an open checkbook who's job is to fulfill a fantasy and lavish lifestyle. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A good man is a provider. He often sacrifices for the betterment of his family. He takes care of his children and his significant other and makes sure that their needs . . . needs ... NEEDS are met.
A good man will labor and toil for his spouse beyond the midnight hour. He will die for his wife and children if need be. He will take any amount of pain or punishment to make sure that his family is successful and are taken care of.
But to some women that's not enough - and those are the women that this post is mainly geared toward. So the female readers that have a good man and treat him well - or maybe even have a bad man and treat him so-so, this post isn't for you. Just ignore it.
But for those of you who do have that great man that you can't seem to appreciate, please stop and take a moment to take out that huge list of expectations, crumple it up and toss it in the fire. Your significant other isn't a Genie put on this earth to simply grant your wishes. He's a living breathing instrument of God put in place to lead a family.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
If I could be blunt for a minute . . .
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