Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea Party any one?

Is it a shock to anyone that Tea Party members managed to snag seats this election cycle? For me I pretty much expected the Tea Party to gain a foothold.

Let's face it, people are tired of what's going on in this country, or what they perceive to be going on in this country and they want change. They're tired of falling into the Republican or Democrat sifting jars - and want a third viable option. For too long both parties have delivered a lot of talk, but no real solution to definite problems that Americans are facing.

The problem with the Tea Party is this, they're too raw and undefined. They're frustrated conservatives that really aren't politicians or in my opinion, are qualified to operate in the political realm.

Look at Christine O'Donnell, a candidate for Delaware's Senate race, who spent a great deal of time fighting to let people know that she wasn't a .... witch? She also discussed her previous masturbation issues ... Excuse me, but aren't there more significant issues to talk about?

To me, the Tea Party comes off like a person acting as their own attorney in a court case. It's just not a good idea.

But despite my ramblings and my rants, what's it going to mean that the Tea Party has gained somewhat of a foothold.

Nothing for this election I predict. But I think the group is going to be problematic not necessarily for Democrats, but Republicans. I think we'll see the Republican Party at war with itself and implode over the coming years. I see some definite conflicts between the two factions - your traditional Republicans and the Tea Party Faction.

What can be done? For now Democrats have to sit back and watch. They've fumbled the ball in this country, over the economy, healthcare, and making genuine change in the country.

Republicans have to take control of their party and have a clear message. With this upheaval - with the introduction of these Tea Party seats, I really don't see it happening.