Sunday, October 14, 2012

The 3-Piece rule


     To the women who are reading this, please pay close attention. There are three crucial things that men want from a relationship, that women often miss and overlook. When a man doesn't get these three things for a significant period of time, then trouble can set into the relationship.

     So what are these three things. They are piece, peace, and a piece.  The three piece rule as I call it might seem overly simplistic, but it can really save and help a relationship thrive if women were to follow these basic rules.

     The first piece, quite simply put, refers to sex. Yes this is a crude way of saying it, but it is significant nonetheless. A man wants to have sex on a regular basis, because we look at it as a release from the pressures of the world and a chance to obtain physical elation with our female mate. It's a need for us, just as it is a need for women to connect emotionally with their men.

    The second peace, refers to peace in the home. But that's rather a broad term isn't it. Peace in the home. What I mean by this is, the next time a man sees his woman he doesn't want any conflict or stress. Whether he's just getting off from work, or waking up next to his woman in the morning, a man doesn't want to be at odds with his woman.

    Point blank. Imagine coming home from a long days work, and everything was fine before you left. The last thing you want when you get home is some type of emotional turmoil that disrupts the home - the safe haven that was built to escape from the pressures of the outside world. You don't want that and you can sure bet that the man you're with doesn't want that either.

   The final piece is more abstract. It plays off the conflict that some women have with men carrying guns in the home.The piece in this case, is a man's hobby. When women block or hinder men from having a healthy hobby that they enjoy, it creates a roadblock.  The man can't be himself, and he is in conflict.

    You would not believe the difference it would make in the relationship if a women would just allow men to peacefully follow their interests. Let him have his toys, as long as they are healthy respectable things that don't damage or harm the household or family.

     If your man loves collecting action figures, don't tell him to grow up and stop collecting them. Ask him about them, heck even get involved if you can.

     When the 3-Piece rule is honored, then it creates a healthier, happier relationship for all involved.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Great Debate

      Nearly a week has passed since President Obama and Mitt Romney went head to head in their first debate. Well, depending on who you asked listened to, the criticism against President Obama differed from light to severe.

     Many on the left have sharply criticized President Obama for not bringing up Mitt Romney's comments about the 47%. Many wanted Obama to go in for the kill on this, and when he didn't - and Romney seemed to have a leg up, well that didn't sit right with a lot of people.

    After sending out e-mails and texts to friends about Obama - specifically calling his performance a failure, many rallied against my assertion, to the point where I thought it might revert to fisticuffs. Well, not really, but at least some deeply heated words.

    But what I find so interesting here, what I find so compelling, is that those who defend Obama - the friends that I have talked to about this - don't necessarily defend his record, but his character as being the first black man in office.

    People, we have got to get past race, especially when it comes down to presidential elections. We need to look at the candidate's record and what he or she stands for. You would not believe some of the comments I received. One went so far as to hurl a barrage of vulgar insults on Romney, saying he disrespected Obama.

    This kind of thinking can't continue and it's not good for this country. I happen to like Obama, and think that he has done some tremendous things with the situation he's been handed. To me Romney is out of touch with many Americans. His ideas on who is middle class or not really trouble me.

    I simply don't think that working/poor Americans like me are going to benefit that much financially and economically under  Romney. That's just my opinion and I can state it without disrespecting the man or resulting to juvenile tactics.

    Here's the debate again if you missed it.

Single, Young and Married (SYM)

     Keisha carefully tucked her coach bag under her right arm. Devon had given it to her for a gift for their first wedding anniversary. Happier times, she said slightly parcing her lips.

     But those are long gone she countered, making her way to the door and quickly snatching her car keys off the shelf.The night was young, and there were people to meet.

     Sounds like the beginning of an ebony romance novel doesn't it? Sadly this isn't fiction, but rather a syndrome that some younger married couples face. I call it the SYM syndrome. Single, young and married.

     Men and women in some households now are living separate lives. They have separate accounts, sleep in separate beds, and have separate friends. Voids or cracks in the relationship that weren't repaired have caused these couples to live apart from eachother, while in the same household.

     At some point the couple has to ask the question what are we doing?

     The sad truth is that now more than ever the idea of marriage is less about being one and more about taking what one can get from the other.
     When there isn't anything to take, the other partner goes to find it through some other avenue - whether it's another person or developing an entirely different lifestyle.

     In couples I've talked to that have been successful, you always find the two joined at the hip, but able to separate and become autonomous when they need too. 

     Perhaps it's because they are actually two whole individuals coming together to become one. In the relationships that seem to go through this you often have two halves coming together searching for completion. 

     Or it could stem from the fact that the both really have no vision. That they are simply going through the motions rather than having a positive and definite plan for life. Maybe that's why they find themselves SYM.