Monday, September 24, 2012

The haves and the have nots

I hadn't grasped exactly what the upcoming Presidential election was about until Mitt Romney's now infamous 47% footage was revealed.

To make a cumbersome blog topic short - this Presidential election is about the haves and the havenots. And where you stand alongside the economic ladder is probably how you'll vote.

Mitt Romney, to me, while an accomplished businessman and skilled politician, has no clue about the working class in America or what it means to struggle financially, when you've done everything right. While he should not be criticized for this, he should be called into question for pretending to say that he does understand this. Don't fake the funk. Be for real and be honest.

I remember my growing up when my mother taught me the true meaning of sacrifice. It was a lesson she learned from her parents and it was a lesson she displayed during my childhood. My mother was not poor by any stretch of the imagination. She was a school teacher, who worked long hours and had meals cooked every night when she got off work. She did not suck on the government teet, but she sure didn't make $250,000 a year either or $100,000 so I guess she wasn't middle class.

No, she wasn't middle class according to Romney's study, instead she busted her butt; held her marriage together; put food on the table; helped pay for the majority of my college education so I could make something out of my life; be a productive citizen in this country.

It is a lesson that I want to impart on my family and my children.  Romney has shown that he really doesn't understand the working class. From the awkard 47% speech, to his insane definition about what the middle class is.

Ultimately, Romney is proving that he doesn't care about the 47% and at the same time diassociating many voters because of his total misunderstanding of the wages people make. Do I think Romney is condemning the have nots? No I don't.

I simply think that he doesn't understand, and any president that I vote for, I want to know and care about both those who have, and those who have not.