Saturday, September 21, 2013

Democrats and Republicans way off the mark with Food Stamp debate

So, earlier this week, (or last week depending when you're reading this), the House (with a Republican majority) voted to cut $4 billion a year from the Food Stamp program, which is used by more than one in  seven Americans.

CBS news is reporting that the "bill will likely never see the light of day in the Democratic-led Senate, but even if it somehow made it through the Senate, President Obama has promised to veto the legislation."

Once again Republicans and Democrats play partisan politics instead of coming up with real world solutions and applications to tackle yet another growing problem in this country.

See the problem that no one wants to address, is that this program has a cycle of dependency for many (not all) of the Food Stamp recipients. It has become a culture or a way of thinking onto itself. You have generations upon generations of families, who are using what was once established to be a temporary solution, to be a permanent means of life and survival.

I want you all to view this video below and give me your thoughts on it. It happened in Clayton County, just south of Atlanta a few years back. Take a look at the comments made in the video and the backlash a small disruption in Food Stamp services caused.

Do you hear the anger and the frustration in this video? Or perhaps you're watching this and you have some anger and frustration that you want to express too? I mean who is there to help give you the support that you need when you're running short on your money? Who is there to help you fill in the gaps or give you money when it's needed to cover your child's bills or handle your responsibilities?

Probably no one, because you have been told that you need to be a responsible adult. But if you are getting upset, I would suggest that you're as misguided as the Democrats and Republicans, who are only looking at this from one perspective... their own.

What has to happen, in my opinion, is that we have to change the perception of people who receiving these Food Stamps.  Getting on this program should be a last resort. This should be a measure used only if you've lost your job or fall on hard times... but they should only be a temporary measure. A TEMPORARY MEASURE!!!!!

We've got to get into people's minds that this isn't something that's needed or that you're born into. Government has to step in and take the responsibility to educate and leverage people from this program which has become toxic to our economy. Because what has happened, is that with the economy hurting so badly, it can no longer support the past obligations it had.

 We need a change and we need it badly.


Anonymous said...

I agree. We are very dependent on the goverment for aid and not looking for this to be a temporary fix as indivual families (most). We utilize this opportunistic ladder as a fad and it's very simple and easy to do because everyone is ok with it within our circles. It used to be where no one wanted to be seen using food stamps in the grocery store but it's ok because everyone's doing it. Until individuals feel the need to do differently and not be totally dependent on the government alone to feed the children, this will continue. Removing the aid will only cause an uproar and increase CNN ratings. I am not sure of the solution other than "Do It Yourself".