Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dramatic moments

Back in 2001, I won an award for a piece I wrote on teen pregnancy rates in Beaufort County. I originally got the idea about the piece from a scene that played out in spectacular detail across the street from parents home back in the early 90s.

A young woman was walking with her boyfriend and told him these simple words.

"You don't worry about his, you worry about yours."

To put this more into context, this young woman was in her teens and she had several children from different men, including the one she was walking with. He was upset about his girlfriend spending more time with one of the fathers.

What was so striking about this, was that it felt like a defining moment for me - during the height of my raging hormones. This was the question I had to ask myself? Do I want to end up with a string of children from different women?

Looking back I didn't understand this, nor did I understand God's plan for marriage and why it was important. I'm not knocking single parents - I'm merely talking about living in confusion.

I wonder now, years removed, how this young man is fairing and how the children are doing. More importantly I wonder how this young woman is doing.