Saturday, June 25, 2011

Woman thou art longwinded!!!!

This is one sided I know, but it needs to be said...

Back in college I had the distinct pleasure of receiving a phone call from a young woman every other day at 7 p.m. She would talk to me for nearly an hour while I played my Sega Dreamcast. (Another obscure video game reference).

In the course of that time she proceeded to tell me all of her issues with her boyfriend, and why he was such a creep.

She would tell me these elaborate stories of how she was convinced he cheated on her.
Our conversation reached a fever pitch when I finally told her to stop calling.

I did so because I was emotionally fatigued, and that's a serious problem that women in and out of relationships need to recognize. You all are emotionally draining your men.

Look, as men we can only take so much. We can only process so much at one time, and often women have the tendency to do a full fledge data dump on us and expect us to get it all.

Truth be told, we're already thinking about several things ourselves. We're juggling the family budget; how to pay for the family vacation; what improvements we can make at work; not mention Sports. I find that Sports provides the ultimate distraction for men to focus on one thing and be at peace (you women reading this better catch this one).

One time during a trip on the train, a woman was telling a man her life story. You could tell by the look on his eye that he didn't really want to hear too much of her personal story. But she poured it on continuously - making comments about work - a place the two just left.

The last thing a man wants to think about is a recap of his work day when he gets off work. Men seem to look ahead rather than back.

I wonder how many relationships would be saved if women did not expect their men to be an emotional dumping ground. They wonder why we just have a glazed look on our faces when they give us all this information.

We don't have time to process and dissect things. We can't file the unnecessary parts in a cabinet and extract the most important points. We don't think that way. Just get to the point already.

Here's a rule of thumb for any female reading this. When you have another deep conversation, ask your significant other to paraphrase what you said. If he stumbles and repeats some of it, don't get upset with him. You've had all day to practice and rehearse this epic speech, and go down the list of all the wrong doing that has occurred to you in the past few hours. You're ready and primed to have a long discussion about the social ills that have befallen you, and how your coworkers have launched an insidious plot to get you fired. All your man wanted to do was come home to a peaceful place and perhaps have a good meal, or at least a sandwhich. Is that too much to ask for?

Remember ladies, you've had all day to practice this, while we... well we've only had about five minutes to take in the last eight to 12 hours of your life.