Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why are some women so angry?

For nearly 15 minutes, an older woman, who was waiting to board the bus, argued with someone over the phone.

Her eyes were bloodshot red, and she was drenched in sweat. But that did not deter her from getting her point across to the person on the other line. I don't remember exactly what she said, but the words were too harsh to repeat here.

I wonder what made her get so upset. She was angry to the point that all reason was abandoned and all dignity was pushed to the side. She was making a public spectacle out of herself, but any fear of that was quickly washed aside.

How many women lose their tempers like this, going to the point of no return, I wonder? What causes them to get so angry, so fast? I know some might say a no good man. But to that I have to remember what a pastor once said a few years back.

"People can give you the opportunity to be angry, but no one can make you that way. It's your choice."

Pretty deep. Some women seem to take out or vent all their frustrations out in public and in a way that not only makes them look bad, but is demeaning to the person they're talking too.

So why do some women take the opportunity to revel in this anger? I'm curious to see what you all think.